There are a lot of different things that I like, but lately with Christmas coming closer and closer, I just keep seeing beautiful Christmas type decorations! Here are some of the things that if I had money, time, and a place to arrange them would love to do! It is funny how I have a very modern taste in furniture and art, but tend to like more traditional type decorations for Christmas. I am a sucker for Silver and Red so sorry about the repetition.
Here you can see some beautiful vases being used for ornaments. Now I tend to not use gold very much,but it is the idea that I like not their actual ornaments.

Here is my all time favorite wreath that I have found so far! They are selling it at Pottery Barn for about $85.00 which I know is expensive which is why I don't have one, but I think it is AMAZING!

I don't know if I would do this quite they way they do, but I thought it was a fun way of displaying some fruit rather than using a fruit bowl.

This was to me a GREAT Idea! I love making chocolate chip cookies, so I thought it would be a fun gift to give people pre-homemade cookie dough that is frozen and then they can cut and bake just like store bought cookies only 20xs better!

I think lanterns are always fun, and always look nice. I recently put two lanterns into my sister's room for the make over, and she could easily add some pine leaves like shown above, put them outside on her stairs, and they would look great especially when lit up.

I always like home made wrapping paper, but if you do not have a lot of time then it doesn't always save money. They look nice, but a lot of work.

Here again you can see burlap used to wrap gifts which I guess could be recycling if you just have burlap laying around,but it still looks classy I think.

A kind of Random picture compared to the rest,but I have been looking everywhere for a watch I like, and I still won't get this one for a LONG time, if even at all, but these are very nice and they have them in LOTS of colors for only $65.00 at Dillards.

Most of the things in this room I don't like at all, but I love the three wreaths on the front door, and I really like the garland going up the banister.

Again in this picture, the furniture I find is very horrible, BUT I like all of the windows which probably makes the room so cold you never want to be in there, but anyway, I love the wreaths on all of the windows!

This is the outside view of the room above, and again, I like the three wreaths on the door. I
normally like the garland around the entry way,but in this picture it is not my favorite way.

I would never want this on my house, but I thought it was a nice natural take on Christmas decorating, and since there are no Christmas lights it is more energy efficient I guess.
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